About Us

ODI’s Core Beliefs
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion believes that every member of our campus community should feel valued. In order for this to occur…
- All students, staff, and faculty must be recognized for their infinite dignity;
- All students, staff, and faculty should be able to live, learn, work, teach, and grow in equitable environments and spaces;
- All students, staff, and faculty should feel that their contributions, identity, and goals are affirmed;
- All students, staff, and faculty should aspire to be part of accountability, education, and growth systems that contribute to the creation and sustainability of an inclusive community.
ODI’s Core Commitments
Across the institution, it is understood that missions, visions, and organizational goals are only as meaningful as related actions.
On this page, ODI articulates its commitment to living out our core beliefs. More importantly, we detail how our unit operationalizes the Services and Resources we provide, the Organizational Accountability we facilitate, the Translational Leadership we promote, and the Community Building to which we contribute. And though these “Pillars” represent how we hold ourselves accountable towards inclusivity and an increased sense of belonging on campus, they may also serve as models for students and colleagues at Wake Forest.

Campus Partners
Our partnerships across campus help further the vision for diversity and inclusion while ensuring that we are helping to shape institutional policies and organizational programs that allow us to holistically serve the campus community.
Strategic Framework: Goals & Progress
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion has worked with the Office of the President to align our work to the Strategic Framework adopted in Academic Year 23-24.
This linked resource draws direct connections between ODI’s programming and practice efforts, to our Institution’s commitment to learning, inquiry, and partnerships. Though the identified efforts are not exhaustive of ODI’s fulsome commitment to Wake Forest and its stakeholders, they serve as reminders to our Office – and a model to our community – of how to work towards the collective goal of ensuring that all Wake Foresters have full access to all that Wake Forest has to offer.