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Welcome to the WFU Jewish Affinity Resource Group (JARG)!

We are here to provide outreach, support and advocacy for Wake Forest faculty and staff members who are Jewish, and their friends and allies, so they feel accepted and included in the WFU community. Our Jewish identities encompass the vast spectrum of Jewish culture, beliefs, and practices. Community is an important value in Judaism, and we welcome everyone into our community. 

We also partner with other offices and departments on campus for events and to represent the interests of Jewish faculty and staff, as well as other minority groups.

Every Fall and Spring term, we gather at least twice during the term – once to chat about any issues that are pertinent to the Jewish community on campus, and once a term to have a social event with our families.  Any member of the WFU community who is interested in being with us, learning more about Judaism, and / or allyship, is welcome.

All interested WFU employees are welcome!

Want to learn more or join the Jewish Affinity Resource Group and attend our meetings and events?  Please contact Megan Manassah at or Jackie Friedman at

or fill out this form.

JARG Executive Team hard at work.
JARG Executive Team at the fall 2022 Affinity Experience
JARG working on the group by-laws together in May of 2022