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Although Wake Forest lists information on university-wide inclusive professional development through a variety of methods, including, this space on the ODI website is devoted to highlighting the sorts of educational offerings ODI offers that elevate inclusive excellence for our community. A summary of the contents of these opportunities, plus registration links when available, are also presented in order to facilitate access to these engagements. Finally, there’s a mechanism for requesting educational offerings that are not present.

As for the ODI services, these links offer a collection of resources provided to guide and enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion work at Wake, all in an effort for an increased sense of belonging across the institution. Over the past several years, ODI has developed or co-developed assessments and program evaluation options to offer members of our community ways to measure their successes and opportunities toward realizing inclusion, diversity, and equity. These pages not only review what we offer as a unit but also what tools outside of Wake Forest we have access to. For more information on ODI services and educational offerings, please email us at